They keep the world in a state of perpetual warfare.
They kidnap surface dwellers to use as slave labor, and basically treat them as something like occasionally-useful parasites. They conduct horrible, sadistic medical experiments on people. * deep breath* The nation of Solaris controls basically the entire world and rules with a decidedly malevolent fist. Notch's upcoming Science Fiction game 0x10c is set in the dying era of the universe.This is also a universe where supernatural forces can literally decide THE VERY INSTANT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DIE, and speaking of supernatural forces, did we mention The Powers That Be are in the middle of kicking off The End of the World as We Know It even before the game starts? Second, the mons running around ARE A VERY REAL AND DEADLY THREAT to mortals and each other, and if you don't have the ability to fight them, they will kill you without an ounce of pity. For one, handing civilians the ability to summon demons is shown to have sickeningly high level of abuse and potential for disaster. Devil Survivor takes everything about Pokemon (already a Crap Saccharine World if you look at it hard enough) and deconstructs every trope it was built on for as much horror as possible.due to a human attempt to study God and harness his power. and the real world's blasted beyond recognition, corrupted and twisted. Then it's revealed it's all an AI simulator. The rigidly imposed order breaks down into a Social Darwinist society, and then a Tribe succeeds in killing all major competitors and breaking the final rules. Then add human emotions and the Superpower Lottery into the mix. Each of the warring factions has to kill all others to reach Nirvana. Imagine a vast battlefield populated by soulless automatons. Word of God is that all of this is because the universe itself is somehow broken, and YHVH's insanity is a symptom of the problem.In short, if its a SMT game, pack a lunch, cause the crapsackiness is gonna be around for awhile.
Strange Journey takes place in a Crapsack World, and depending on what ending you get, the whole planet can join in on the fun. In Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne, the world is reduced to a demon filled embyro like state, and most options you have to fix things still leave it mostly crappy or can make it even worse. By the end of first game and by the time of the second, it seems to have gotten slightly more tolerable, only to utterly crush your hope when it get revealed that YHVH HIMSELF is planning to destroy everything the demons haven't raped to extremes that make the first game seem like Sunday school, and regardless of ending, a hell of a lot of dead people/demons pile up trying to save what's left of the planet. The first one starts fairly nice for the first hour or so, then promptly gets doused in nuclear fire, leaving a pockmarked hell, and even before that happened, demons were attacking damn near anything, and after the world goes to hell, It Got Worse, courtesy of a replay of The Great Flood. Go on, just pick ANY Shin Megami Tensei game.Crapsack Worlds are common in videogames, because they give a player a great justification for the large number of enemies they typically have to deal with and the conflicts they find themselves in.